
Thursday, 25 December 2014

Monday, 22 December 2014

SEO Myths Vs Facts

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SEO Myths Vs Facts
Unfortunately there is many myths and wrong information regarding SEO, i will try to explain them and give you the correct facts.

Keyword density

The Myth: If a certain procent of the words on a page consist of your keyword will get you higher rankings.
The Fact: This thinking have been around for a long time. You can test yourself that an article of 1000 words with a keyword density of 2% will rank better than an article with 100 words that has a keyword density of 5% if everything else was equal.
Comments: This doesn’t always mean that the density of keywords in an article is the most important. Write for your visitors and make sure your keyword is mentioned in your title, the subject and within the article in a natural way


The Myths:
  1. PageRank tells how good your website will rank on Google.
  2. By linking to other websites will decrease your PageRank and will give you less rankings on Google.
The Facts:
  1. PageRank as Toolbar PageRank has almost lost all its value theese days. PageRank is based on backlinks and how it flows through a navigation on a website, and has very little to do with your rankings on Google.
  2. It can even be positive in the eyes of google rankings to be linking to external relevant websites but if you have alot of external links it could be negative because it causes the PageRank strength being lowered on your internal links flow.
Comments: See also the article about PageRank for a good explanation of PageRank.

Content to Code

The Myth: That a website with less relation to content to code will rank higher in Google.
The Fact: Google has no problems seperating header elements using HTML, CSS, JavaScript or similar. But if you would have a thousand rows of code before your content it would cause problems.
Comments: It is recommended of many reasons for example user-friendly and availability that al


The Myth: That a website who are validated by W3C will rank higher than a website who isn’t.
The Fact: As long as your website is coded good enough that a webbrowser can display it correctly it should be no problems. Alot of the highest ranked websites on Google haven’t been validated with W3C and there is no reason why Google should prioritize a validated website. A correct coded website can could be nice to the visitors.
Comments: Its obviously recommended that a website should be correctly coded with (X)HTML and CSS.

CSS-Layout VS Table-Layout

The Myth: That a website with CSS-design will rank higher than a website with a table-layout.
The Fact: A big procent of the websites on the internets still has layouts using tables. Google has no problems indexing theese websites as long as it dosn’t become a way too complicated table’s in table’s with a bad structure. But a website with a correctly coded structure could be nice for the visitors.
Comments: It is recommended to be using CSS for the layout.


The Myth: That a Xml-Sitemap will give you a higher ranking on Google.
The Fact: A Xml-Sitemap could be helping Google on indexing your website in a correct way.
Comments: There is also a theori that a Xml-Sitemap indiretly could make a website rank higher because a Xml-Sitemap could lead to a better amount of indexed pages which could lead to a higher ranking.

Regular updates

The Myth: A website that often get updated will rank better than one who isn’t.
The Fact: If a website regularly being updated it will get spidered more often by Google. This doesn’t mean it will get ranked higher. A website who is updated regularly might be getting more backlinks naturally and might get ranked higher because of that reason. There is alot of high ranked websites on Google who haven’t been updated in years.
Comments: This myth could be twisted and in fact not even being a myth. Take it with a pinch of salt.


The Myth: That Meta-Elements is important for high ranking.
The Fact: Google completely ignores Meta-Keywords. Meta-Description has little, but almost zero effect on the ranking.
Comments: The Meta-Description does sometimes show up in the search results which could make it usefull.

Database generated Url’s

The Myth: That google cannot spider, index or rank Url’s with questionmarks and variables.
The Fact: Google has improved this since a few year ago. Well you should keep the variables down a bit.

The Google dance

The Myth: Google updates their index once every month.
The Fact: SEO vets might remember the “Google Dance” how search results used to get updated on a monthly basis. The fact is that Google has alot of data centers all over the world that are continuously updating its index all the time. Google could even index your site minutes after you published it if you are lucky.

Backlinks is no harm

The Myth: That a competitor or yourself couldn’t harm your website using backlinks.
The Fact: Google analyze all the links to a website. What kind of structure if has, where they comes from and their age and so on. Competitors or yourself could get your website associated with bad stuff, for example loosing the domain trust or even become blacklisted.

Backlinks is not that important

The Myth: Backlinks is good but its not that important.
The Fact: You will get nowhere without backlinks. Links is important and could even be more important than on-page in Google.

Sponsored links

The Myth: That sponsored links such as AdWords would effect (Positive or negative) the regular search results.
The Fact: Advertising with sponsored links has no effect what so ever on the regular search results.
Comments: Indirectly could sponsored links lead to higher ranking because more people can take part of the content and eventually share it naturally.

Meta-Element Revisit-After

The Myth: That the Meta-Element Revisit-After is a usefull Meta-Element that decides how often a search engine comes back to index your site.
The Fact: There is no sources pointing this would be correct, not even from W3C or any of the bigger search engines. It is documented that this element was created and used by a small search engine named British Columbia many years ago. No other search engine is using this element except possibly the internet catalouge Netinsert.