I am a SEO freelancer providing SEO Services in Shahdara for any websites like real estates, travel, cab services, institutes, colleges, hospitals and many more from the year 2009. Call me at +91-9891949380 - Mr. Shad
Thursday, 25 December 2014
Monday, 22 December 2014
SEO Myths Vs Facts
For SEO Services in Shahdara Call +91-9891949380 - Mr. Shad
SEO Myths Vs Facts
Unfortunately there is many myths and wrong information regarding SEO, i will try to explain them and give you the correct facts.
Keyword density
The Myth: If a certain procent of the words on a page consist of your keyword will get you higher rankings.
The Fact: This thinking have been around for a long time. You can test yourself that an article of 1000 words with a keyword density of 2% will rank better than an article with 100 words that has a keyword density of 5% if everything else was equal.
Comments: This doesn’t always mean that the density of keywords in an article is the most important. Write for your visitors and make sure your keyword is mentioned in your title, the subject and within the article in a natural way
The Myths:
- PageRank tells how good your website will rank on Google.
- By linking to other websites will decrease your PageRank and will give you less rankings on Google.
The Facts:
- PageRank as Toolbar PageRank has almost lost all its value theese days. PageRank is based on backlinks and how it flows through a navigation on a website, and has very little to do with your rankings on Google.
- It can even be positive in the eyes of google rankings to be linking to external relevant websites but if you have alot of external links it could be negative because it causes the PageRank strength being lowered on your internal links flow.
Comments: See also the article about PageRank for a good explanation of PageRank.
Content to Code
The Myth: That a website with less relation to content to code will rank higher in Google.
The Fact: Google has no problems seperating header elements using HTML, CSS, JavaScript or similar. But if you would have a thousand rows of code before your content it would cause problems.
Comments: It is recommended of many reasons for example user-friendly and availability that al
The Myth: That a website who are validated by W3C will rank higher than a website who isn’t.
The Fact: As long as your website is coded good enough that a webbrowser can display it correctly it should be no problems. Alot of the highest ranked websites on Google haven’t been validated with W3C and there is no reason why Google should prioritize a validated website. A correct coded website can could be nice to the visitors.
Comments: Its obviously recommended that a website should be correctly coded with (X)HTML and CSS.
CSS-Layout VS Table-Layout
The Myth: That a website with CSS-design will rank higher than a website with a table-layout.
The Fact: A big procent of the websites on the internets still has layouts using tables. Google has no problems indexing theese websites as long as it dosn’t become a way too complicated table’s in table’s with a bad structure. But a website with a correctly coded structure could be nice for the visitors.
Comments: It is recommended to be using CSS for the layout.
The Myth: That a Xml-Sitemap will give you a higher ranking on Google.
The Fact: A Xml-Sitemap could be helping Google on indexing your website in a correct way.
Comments: There is also a theori that a Xml-Sitemap indiretly could make a website rank higher because a Xml-Sitemap could lead to a better amount of indexed pages which could lead to a higher ranking.
Regular updates
The Myth: A website that often get updated will rank better than one who isn’t.
The Fact: If a website regularly being updated it will get spidered more often by Google. This doesn’t mean it will get ranked higher. A website who is updated regularly might be getting more backlinks naturally and might get ranked higher because of that reason. There is alot of high ranked websites on Google who haven’t been updated in years.
Comments: This myth could be twisted and in fact not even being a myth. Take it with a pinch of salt.
The Myth: That Meta-Elements is important for high ranking.
The Fact: Google completely ignores Meta-Keywords. Meta-Description has little, but almost zero effect on the ranking.
Comments: The Meta-Description does sometimes show up in the search results which could make it usefull.
Database generated Url’s
The Myth: That google cannot spider, index or rank Url’s with questionmarks and variables.
The Fact: Google has improved this since a few year ago. Well you should keep the variables down a bit.
The Google dance
The Myth: Google updates their index once every month.
The Fact: SEO vets might remember the “Google Dance” how search results used to get updated on a monthly basis. The fact is that Google has alot of data centers all over the world that are continuously updating its index all the time. Google could even index your site minutes after you published it if you are lucky.
Backlinks is no harm
The Myth: That a competitor or yourself couldn’t harm your website using backlinks.
The Fact: Google analyze all the links to a website. What kind of structure if has, where they comes from and their age and so on. Competitors or yourself could get your website associated with bad stuff, for example loosing the domain trust or even become blacklisted.
Backlinks is not that important
The Myth: Backlinks is good but its not that important.
The Fact: You will get nowhere without backlinks. Links is important and could even be more important than on-page in Google.
Sponsored links
The Myth: That sponsored links such as AdWords would effect (Positive or negative) the regular search results.
The Fact: Advertising with sponsored links has no effect what so ever on the regular search results.
Comments: Indirectly could sponsored links lead to higher ranking because more people can take part of the content and eventually share it naturally.
Meta-Element Revisit-After
The Myth: That the Meta-Element Revisit-After is a usefull Meta-Element that decides how often a search engine comes back to index your site.
The Fact: There is no sources pointing this would be correct, not even from W3C or any of the bigger search engines. It is documented that this element was created and used by a small search engine named British Columbia many years ago. No other search engine is using this element except possibly the internet catalouge Netinsert.
Sunday, 30 November 2014
SEO Facts VS Fictions
For SEO Services in Shahdara Call +91-9891949380 - Mr. Shad
Fiction…Submit your site for IMMEDIATE listings in 40 gazillion search engines for $3.99.
Fiction…Stuffing meta tags with tons of keywords is all it takes for SEO success.
Fiction…Guaranteed #1 Google rankings!
Fiction…Rankings can’t be lost.
Fiction…Marketing? Rankings? Yeah, my IT guy has it covered.
Fiction…That’s it. It’s all over. My site has been penalized and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Fiction…Well, my site’s fully optimized. Done!
Don’t let those “too good to be true” online marketing ploys fool you. SEO firms (we use that term loosely) that promise 500 visitors a day, high rankings, and skyrocketing conversion rates are using tired marketing antics that usually hurt your website’s performance. (Search engines weren’t born yesterday.)
Knowing fact from fiction will help you lead your marketing campaign down the path to happily ever after, while also making you aware of common “SEO red flags.”
Fiction…FREE search engine optimization!!!
Fact…Yeah, it’s free alright. Free of rankings, free of leads, and free of traffic to your site. Just like any other aspect of your business, it takes time, careful thought and talent to properly and effectively carry-out an SEO strategy for your website. Can anyone really give you that for free? Listen to your gut, and ask what you’re really getting for “free.”
Same goes for ultra-cheap SEO: that $29 deal? You’ll be lucky to get 29 minutes of work on your site.
Fiction…Submit your site for IMMEDIATE listings in 40 gazillion search engines for $3.99.
Fact…Seeing results from SEO will take time and effort. Think campaign, not ploy. Do you really think you can get a bunch of quality listings in the search engines for less than a fast-food value meal? Google has made it exceptionally clear over the past few years: they reward sites with excellent content that deliver an outstanding user experience. Period.
Fiction…Stuffing meta tags with tons of keywords is all it takes for SEO success.
Fact…This may have worked for a short while in 2004, but times have changed. Meta tags are now just 1 of hundreds of variables search engines consider when determining the rankings of a website. And, sure, tons of keywords on each page sound great, but did you know search engines can detect if a keyword has been used too many times on a given page? The bottom line is this: careful site evaluation, research, planning, and patience are necessary factors of an effective SEO strategy.
Fiction…Guaranteed #1 Google rankings!
Fact…Nothing in life is guaranteed. We don’t guarantee rankings because we don’t control search engine algorithms. Neither do any other web marketing agencies. Search engine algorithm changes can cause month to month ranking fluctuations. Instead, we monitor and track your site’s rankings to keep you moving in the right direction and proactively respond to search engine algorithm ranking changes.
Fiction…Rankings can’t be lost.
Fact... Search engines reserve the right to change their ranking systems (search algorithm) at any time, which means rankings can and will change. There are a number of reasons why your site’s rankings will fluctuate, including a competitor completing a massive optimization overhaul to take your prized positions. If your site is optimized correctly however, chances are you won’t see large fluctuations. Just remember: fluctuations in your site’s rankings are possible.
Fiction…Marketing? Rankings? Yeah, my IT guy has it covered.
Fact…You wouldn’t hire a plumber to fix your car, so even if your trusty IT guy can program his own socks off, why would you let him run your marketing campaign? Search Engine Marketing is an extension of your overall marketing plan; leave the work toexperienced folks like us who can safely handle the complex and delicate process.
Fiction…That’s it. It’s all over. My site has been penalized and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Fact…If your site has been penalized due to negligent SEO firms or common mistakes made by those who don’t know better, there are ways to get back in search engines' good graces. We know how to fix your site’s faults and get your site back on track!
Fiction…Well, my site’s fully optimized. Done!
Fact….It’s important to continually maintain and update your site’s optimization. Thanks to the ever-evolving nature of search engines and the Internet, optimization is always evolving, too. Consider the development of Web 2.0 to Web 3.0– the blogosphere, the increasing importance of social search, mobile search (which is growing at a monstrous rate), local search…need we say more?
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Improve Search Results
For SEO Services in Shahdara Call +91-9891949380 - Mr. Shad
2. Before you even start talking about rankings at search engines, immerse yourself in some real competitor analysis. And not just looking at which keywords are less competitive than others. If you become completely myopic about search and keywords only, and forget to research your competitors' overall marketing strategies, then you could be setting yourself up for a fall. If your competitors have complete integrated marketing strategies, then anything from a TV campaign to an email marketing campaign can impact on search. End user data plays a role in ranking now, so you need to have some kind of online and offline "buzz parity" to compete. Differentiate!
3. If it's all too much for you and you're losing sleep over this while still thinking "keywords, keywords, keywords - what keywords are my competitor targeting? And is he getting more traffic than me?" Then you may wish to indulge in some slightly more revealing surveillance. There are vendors who have access to proxy server data from ISPs, which gives them access not just to what keywords people are searching for, but also which sites they're clicking through to. Hitwise and Trellian's Search Term Intelligence tool spring to mind here. Imagine how much more easily you'd sleep if you knew you had beautifully optimized pages for all the search terms your competitors are targeting.
4. Did I say stop fixating over rankings? Yes I did. But positioning is still important. At one time in the SEO industry we used to say "if you're not in the top 40 results, you may as well not be there at all". Then it became "if you're not in the top 20" and then "top 10". In fact, you really need to be in the top six to have maximum visibility. As search engines such as Google add more PPC listings at the top of the page (there are now three instead of two in many cases) and then throw in a little Froogle and maybe some news, you're being pushed below the fold. Then, as your potential customers add toolbars to their browsers and maybe have desktop results added at the top of their searches, you're going down even more. Studies show that not only do people not click through to the second page of results anymore, they can't even be bothered to scroll either. So set realistic expectations about your possible visibility in the organic listings.
5. It's a fact that certain keywords or phrases you rank for don't necessarily have to appear on your pages. But it helps if they do. And remember, search engines return web pages following a query, not websites. That means every page on your site has ranking potential. Whenever possible, try and focus your copy around one or two phrases, maximum, for each page. In my experience, the title tag of your web page is still the most powerful place to have your keywords. But then be sure to support that tag with keywords and phrases in your headline, intro passage and conclusion. Give the search engine every opportunity to know exactly what the "gist" of your page is.
Then, for maximum effect, try and match the title tag, and link anchor text exactly to the end user query. What's known as a local ranking mechanism (the online community you belong to) based on anchor text relies heavily on the cues it gets from these three sources. The closer the match, the more relevant you are.
6. Being indexed doesn't mean you'll eventually get ranked. There are two sides to getting results in the organic listings:
a) Having a website which is easily "crawlable" by search engine spiders in order to be indexed in the first instance.
b) Having great content that other website owners will want to link to and end users will find useful.

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Getting in the index is not difficult. To make life easier for crawlers, be sure to have a clean site map. You can then feed your site map, for instance, directly to Google here .
There will always be certain technical barriers that may prove problematic. Don't worry, most of them have a work around. And most solutions are explained in Aaron Wall's constantly updated SEO book at SEObook.com .
7. Content is still king. And linking is vital to any SEO success. Your first major boost in ranking is via linkage data; in particular, how many authoritative (or already popular) websites link to you.
Other websites are keen to link to great content. Try my honesty test. Be brutal. Take a look at your website now with a pen and a piece of paper in hand. See if you can write down ten reasons why someone would want to link to your site. If you can't get past three or four, you may want to reevaluate what the purpose of your website is.
Remember, content is not just text on a page. Think about cool tools, fun features and downloads which would be really appreciated by your potential customers.
8. If you're certain you have great reasons for other sites to link to yours, let them know about it! Yes, there's a "chicken and egg" thing going on here. You have great content, but people can't find it in search engines. And in order to be found in search engines, you need good inbound links!
First think about the integrated marketing process already mentioned and consider different ways to get your message out there. Be sure to get the press to write about you and bloggers cross-talking about you.
Another good place to start looking for good business partners (and that's what a good linking strategy is all about) is by interrogating search engines.
For instance, at Google, do a back link check like this:
link:www.mywebsite.com - to find out who may already be linking to you. Then do:
link:www.mycompetitorswebsite.com - to find out who links to your competitors.
Do this to all of your competitors at all of the major search engines and you'll soon build up a list of non-conflicting websites that will also likely link to you.
9. More links? An oldie but a goodie. Use keyword searches to find business directories and verticals in your market. Try this. Go to Google and search for: golf+submit your site - if you're targeting the golfing community. Then try variations such as: golf+add url - and then golf course+submit your site, and so on.
Do this with as many variations as you can and you'll find all kinds of directories and websites in vertical markets where you'll be able to get a listing (link) that won't cost you anyting, or just a small fee.
10. The power of advertising. Years back, I used to look for newsletters and ezines in just the same way as mentioned above. I have lists of hundreds of niche newsletters in many markets which cost very little to sponsor or advertise in.
The beauty of these types of newsletters is that first they get your message to a highly targeted audience. And then, when each newsletter is archived, the sponsor's link usually remains.
This means you get a good on-topic link which could age beautifully, both sending qualified traffic and helping to maintain those top rankings at search engines. Try: golf+newsletter and golf+ezine, those types of searches, just as above.
11. Factor in the human touch at search engines. Long gone are the days of technology tricks trying to fool search engines. Most simply don't work anymore. More to the point, end users can vote with their clicks, just as webmasters can vote with links.
11 Insider Tactics to Improve Search Results
1. First, stop fixating over how many keywords or phrases you could possibly rank for and only concentrate on those which send qualified traffic. Anyone can be number one at Google for their street address or their own name spelt backwards - or whatever. So, if your SEO firm is selling you keyword rankings, then suck the referrer data from your log files and find out how much traffic all of those keywords send you, and from which search engines. Dump the ones that send nothing... and consider dumping your SEO firm if pure rankings is the best they can do for you. It's transactions and conversions your business needs, not vanity listings.2. Before you even start talking about rankings at search engines, immerse yourself in some real competitor analysis. And not just looking at which keywords are less competitive than others. If you become completely myopic about search and keywords only, and forget to research your competitors' overall marketing strategies, then you could be setting yourself up for a fall. If your competitors have complete integrated marketing strategies, then anything from a TV campaign to an email marketing campaign can impact on search. End user data plays a role in ranking now, so you need to have some kind of online and offline "buzz parity" to compete. Differentiate!
3. If it's all too much for you and you're losing sleep over this while still thinking "keywords, keywords, keywords - what keywords are my competitor targeting? And is he getting more traffic than me?" Then you may wish to indulge in some slightly more revealing surveillance. There are vendors who have access to proxy server data from ISPs, which gives them access not just to what keywords people are searching for, but also which sites they're clicking through to. Hitwise and Trellian's Search Term Intelligence tool spring to mind here. Imagine how much more easily you'd sleep if you knew you had beautifully optimized pages for all the search terms your competitors are targeting.
4. Did I say stop fixating over rankings? Yes I did. But positioning is still important. At one time in the SEO industry we used to say "if you're not in the top 40 results, you may as well not be there at all". Then it became "if you're not in the top 20" and then "top 10". In fact, you really need to be in the top six to have maximum visibility. As search engines such as Google add more PPC listings at the top of the page (there are now three instead of two in many cases) and then throw in a little Froogle and maybe some news, you're being pushed below the fold. Then, as your potential customers add toolbars to their browsers and maybe have desktop results added at the top of their searches, you're going down even more. Studies show that not only do people not click through to the second page of results anymore, they can't even be bothered to scroll either. So set realistic expectations about your possible visibility in the organic listings.
5. It's a fact that certain keywords or phrases you rank for don't necessarily have to appear on your pages. But it helps if they do. And remember, search engines return web pages following a query, not websites. That means every page on your site has ranking potential. Whenever possible, try and focus your copy around one or two phrases, maximum, for each page. In my experience, the title tag of your web page is still the most powerful place to have your keywords. But then be sure to support that tag with keywords and phrases in your headline, intro passage and conclusion. Give the search engine every opportunity to know exactly what the "gist" of your page is.
Then, for maximum effect, try and match the title tag, and link anchor text exactly to the end user query. What's known as a local ranking mechanism (the online community you belong to) based on anchor text relies heavily on the cues it gets from these three sources. The closer the match, the more relevant you are.
6. Being indexed doesn't mean you'll eventually get ranked. There are two sides to getting results in the organic listings:
a) Having a website which is easily "crawlable" by search engine spiders in order to be indexed in the first instance.
b) Having great content that other website owners will want to link to and end users will find useful.
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Download this kit to learn everything you need to know about Social Media.
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Getting in the index is not difficult. To make life easier for crawlers, be sure to have a clean site map. You can then feed your site map, for instance, directly to Google here .
There will always be certain technical barriers that may prove problematic. Don't worry, most of them have a work around. And most solutions are explained in Aaron Wall's constantly updated SEO book at SEObook.com .
7. Content is still king. And linking is vital to any SEO success. Your first major boost in ranking is via linkage data; in particular, how many authoritative (or already popular) websites link to you.
Other websites are keen to link to great content. Try my honesty test. Be brutal. Take a look at your website now with a pen and a piece of paper in hand. See if you can write down ten reasons why someone would want to link to your site. If you can't get past three or four, you may want to reevaluate what the purpose of your website is.
Remember, content is not just text on a page. Think about cool tools, fun features and downloads which would be really appreciated by your potential customers.
8. If you're certain you have great reasons for other sites to link to yours, let them know about it! Yes, there's a "chicken and egg" thing going on here. You have great content, but people can't find it in search engines. And in order to be found in search engines, you need good inbound links!
First think about the integrated marketing process already mentioned and consider different ways to get your message out there. Be sure to get the press to write about you and bloggers cross-talking about you.
Another good place to start looking for good business partners (and that's what a good linking strategy is all about) is by interrogating search engines.
For instance, at Google, do a back link check like this:
link:www.mywebsite.com - to find out who may already be linking to you. Then do:
link:www.mycompetitorswebsite.com - to find out who links to your competitors.
Do this to all of your competitors at all of the major search engines and you'll soon build up a list of non-conflicting websites that will also likely link to you.
9. More links? An oldie but a goodie. Use keyword searches to find business directories and verticals in your market. Try this. Go to Google and search for: golf+submit your site - if you're targeting the golfing community. Then try variations such as: golf+add url - and then golf course+submit your site, and so on.
Do this with as many variations as you can and you'll find all kinds of directories and websites in vertical markets where you'll be able to get a listing (link) that won't cost you anyting, or just a small fee.
10. The power of advertising. Years back, I used to look for newsletters and ezines in just the same way as mentioned above. I have lists of hundreds of niche newsletters in many markets which cost very little to sponsor or advertise in.
The beauty of these types of newsletters is that first they get your message to a highly targeted audience. And then, when each newsletter is archived, the sponsor's link usually remains.
This means you get a good on-topic link which could age beautifully, both sending qualified traffic and helping to maintain those top rankings at search engines. Try: golf+newsletter and golf+ezine, those types of searches, just as above.
11. Factor in the human touch at search engines. Long gone are the days of technology tricks trying to fool search engines. Most simply don't work anymore. More to the point, end users can vote with their clicks, just as webmasters can vote with links.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Improve Website Speed
For SEO Services in Shahdara Call +91-9891949380 - Mr. Shad
What to Do to Improve Website Speed
If you want to improve website speed, there are a couple of steps to be taken. First, you need to measure your website speed – otherwise how do you know it's slow?
1. Measure Load Times
In order to measure load times, you need a good tool. The choice here is quite rich. Pingdom Page Load Time tool and Google Analytics Site Speed reports give a good idea of your site's general performance. WebPageTest is a more advanced tool because it allows to test your site in different browsers and spot slow areas on your site.
These tests could take some time for a large site but since they give you detailed data about which parts are slow, just be patient. Good tools report not only the average site speed but elements, such as first byte, user time, time to fully load, percentage of images, htmls, JavaScript files, etc., which is useful later when you start fixing the problematic areas.
2. Move to a Faster Server
One of the obvious reasons a site is slow is that the server you are hosting it on is slow. The reasons here could be numerous – from a WEB HOSTING
provider that lacks the capacity to offer fast servers, to the type of your hosting account.
The easier solution here is to upgrade your account. For instance, if you have a large site with many pages and frequent database reads/writes and you are still using a shared account, then no provider to Earth can offer the speed you need. In this case, if you are happy with the provider per se, your solution is to upgrade from a shared account to VPS (Virtual Private Server) or even to a dedicated server. The costs for VPS or a dedicated server a month are much higher than what you are paying for your shared account but if your site is making you money (or at least has the potential to), the problem with website speed is literally killing your business.
On the other hand, if your web hosting provider is not good even if you upgrade your account, this won't solve your problem. The only thing you can do is migrate your sites to a good web hosting provider. Here is a list of some of the best web hosting providers for you to choose from.
3. Optimize Your Site's Code and Images
Your server might be fast but if your site itself is slow, you will still experience speed issues. If your code and images are not optimized for fast loading, you won't see speed improvements till you fix them. This task could take a very, very long time, especially if your code and images are bloated but you've got to do it.
For images, you can use compression and/or smaller sizes. This will speed loading big time. For HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and other Web languages there are tons of tricks (and tools) how to optimize your code.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Website promotion on Internet
For SEO Services in Shahdara Call +91-9891949380 - Mr. Shad
1) Directory Listings
Search for free company rosters and see what comes up. Tons and I mean loads, of websites that allow you to list your business or site for absolutely no cost. Why? Because their FINANCIAL
models are typically based upon the up-sell, see that, the premium listing. Oh you get the basics free of charge, but what you really prefer is the one that allows you to load pictures, videos, and the longer, expanded version recap. The good part is, nearly all of the free versions will list your site link, and this helps individuals discover you and your internet backlink method. Here are a few of the most popular directories:
2) Complimentary PR
Have a new good or service you would like to get recognized? Write a news release and get it submitted through a PR service that, like the directories, provides free fundamental press release submittal services. These generally won't arrive at the main media outlets, most of whom use sites like PR Newswire or Business Wire, but the middle tier media outlet MARKET
can be accessed by PR services with cost-free options, like...
3) Social Media
If you are trying to get reach on the internet and you don't have a Facebook page, LinkedInaccount, Google+ page and Twitter username, shame on you! All of these provide absolutely free listings on websites with extremely high Google page rankings. They're the most significant social media websites on the web. If you have a business you can also get a business page on these sites that links to your individual profile. Even when you don't have time to "work" these websites to their fullest, there is link juice available from even the most horrible fan profiles.
A better method is to get in the social media arena and pick one or two of these to construct pages and initiate a communication with others who are already comfortable using this vehicle.
4) Offer Commentary
You and I both know there is way too much free information on the net, however we still have a couple of favored blogs or news websites we go to get our fill of self-help or what's taking place in the realms that we follow.
So do others who might just want to visit your blog. On nearly all blogs, you are able to write comments. The blog writers like this because it tells the search engine world and new readers that people are engaged in their content, and nothing detrimental can stem from that. When you leave a comment, you'll usually have the option to connect your website link to your reply. Often you can link to other items to as a possibility, like your Facebook or Twitter page.
5) Your Email Signature
This is the easiest free of cost technique I know of to get people to a blog, and the one that is surprisingly most often overlooked. Every email you send ought to have a standard footer that describes you. It usually has a name, title or something captivating about you, and some way to connect with you. It should also have your website linked or whatever other page you may want to lead people to, like a LinkedIn page.
Free stuff is normally worth what you pay for it: zero, but using these 5 techniques, Free Website Promotion is alive and well. Use the mechanisms at hand, add a smidgen of energy and initiative, and get your blog out there.
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Best sites for URL submissions
For SEO Services in Shahdara Call +91-9891949380 - Mr. Shad
![]() |
Sites for URL Submissions |
Website | PA | DA |
http://fedobe.com/ | 23 | 41 |
http://eworldlinksdirectory.com/ | 33 | 30 |
http://www.agaccess.com/ | 56 | 48 |
http://pxdaj.com/ | 47 | 43 |
http://directory.addlinksuggest.com/ | 69 | 62 |
http://directory.href.info/ | 35 | 31 |
http://knowledgekites.blogspot.in/ | 30 | 67 |
http://www.siteswebdirectory.com/ | 54 | 47 |
http://www.ellysdirectory.com/ | 62 | 54 |
http://www.splut.com/ | 63 | 55 |
http://viesearch.com/ | 68 | 61 |
http://www.prolinkdirectory.com/ | 59 | 51 |
http://www.tsection.com/ | 69 | 62 |
http://www.livepopular.com/ | 53 | 44 |
http://www.pegasusdirectory.com/ | 70 | 64 |
http://www.synergy-directory.com/ | 52 | 42 |
http://www.pakranks.com/ | 60 | 51 |
http://www.247webdirectory.com/ | 50 | 40 |
http://www.baikalglobal.com/ | 55 | 46 |
http://www.elitesitesdirectory.com/ | 54 | 45 |
http://www.puppyurl.com/ | 57 | 48 |
http://www.aoldir.com/ | 60 | 52 |
http://www.submission4u.com/ | 58 | 49 |
http://www.cipinet.com/ | 60 | 52 |
http://www.busybits.com/ | 56 | 48 |
http://www.h-log.com/ | 52 | 43 |
http://www.itzalist.com/ | 64 | 59 |
http://www.directmylink.com/ | 62 | 55 |
http://infotechworldtips.blogspot.in/ | 30 | 67 |
http://www.bhaskar.com/ | 68 | 62 |
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